Wyse 60 emulator
Wyse 60 emulator

wyse 60 emulator

An important mention that has to be made pertains also to the ease of use, more precisely to the right-click menu which inside this program gives users immediate access to all the functions of the application. The fact that it supports several tabs to be opened and functional in the same time, makes ZOC Terminal able to handle different shells in the same session. Mainly a terminal emulator, but carrying loads of functions for Telnet and SSH connections as well, this program comes with a well organized GUI which hosts all the necessary commands for establishing and controlling connections, transfers and more. Access all the features from a clean, multi-tabbed interface

wyse 60 emulator

ZOC Terminal is an application that facilitates multiple connections and a wide variety of tasks that can be carried out on compatible hosts.


Such connections may be familiar to most users as they are similar in many ways to the file download and upload operations they know so well, as well as in the situation in which controlling remotely a workstation is necessary. The client-server architecture is perhaps the most well known and widespread as it involves linking to a remote host in order to send or receive data.

  • FIX: ftp folder contents now read via MLSD/MLST command if the server supports itĭata communication is done through a variety of methods nowadays as there are numerous ways in which two devices can be interconnected.
  • FIX: scrolling error in Wyse-60 emulation when label-line was turned off.
  • FIX: userbar folder popup menu used wrong font when moved to another monitor with different dpi setting.

  • Wyse 60 emulator